VIP Experiences for

Fast Results Tailored to You

Promotional Launch Plan

Everything You Need To Map Out Your Promotional Year & Deep Dive Plan a Quarterly Launch

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Clarity, Comfort, & Consciously Created Offers

Everything You Need To Align Your Offers or Create a New One

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Craft a Curated Experience for Your Audience 

Everything You Need To Create A Successful Evergreen Quiz

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Clarity, Comfort, & Consciously Created Offers


Everything You Need To Align Your Offers or Create a New One


Launching and Selling doesn't have to mean breaking out in a sweat with your words stuck in your throat.

Or having dozens of offers scattered all over your expertise and lead magnets for every idea you've been asked about.

Live Day- 6 hours 1:1 with me


With a coffee on me, we’ll start the day by continuing to take a deep dive into which audience you're trying to reach, your goals for this offer, and what your offer stack will look like. 


We'll identify the audience, create messaging ideas, determine which launch assets you'll need PLUS cover

how to sell with soul and show up as you throughout the whole process. 


  • You’ll receive a 
    • Welcome Kit
      • Coffee on me
      • Printable note sheets that are digitally uploadable & searchable to take notes on your terms
    • Deep dive questionnaire 
    • Recording & transcript with a timestamp map so you know when we said what
    • Customized Marketing Plan to get your offer out into the world as effectively as possible 


This day is all about leveling up your offers and finding alignment in your business so you can sell with ease.


Consciously Crafted Offers


Clarity, Comfort, & Conscious Offers 


Bye-bye awkward sales convos and a stack of offers that look like the Cheesecake Factory menu


In this 6 hour 1:1 session we'll:

  • Create the offer idea your audience is ready for

  • Bring your offers into alignment so you're clear who's ready for what & when

  • Plot out the marketing plan needed to support your offer and bring it to your audience 

You chose 1 offer idea to focus on and we'll work through the audience it serves, how that offer fits into your business, and how to tell the world you're ready! 

Craft My Offer!

Promotional Launch Plan


Everything You Need To Map Out Your Promotional Year & Deep Dive Plan a Quarterly Launch


Here’s a marketing secret... launching is just another way of saying promoting.

So, you can launch, promote, ANYTHING.


Evergreen... open/close cart... front end offer... something you always do that you don’t even think about as a launchable offer. Yep, the "oh yeah I offer that", type of thing.


It's all launchable because it all deserves focused promotional time to drive sales. 


This VIP Experience is your chance to map out your marketing year and content plan a launch with a conversion, aka sales, copywriter.


1:1 attention from me to get your questions answered and work through your unique offers and audience 


We’ll take a deep dive into your audience, what you want to accomplish, and what you want your audience to achieve.

You'll receive:

  • Coffee on me
  • Recording and transcript 
  • Calendar template
  • Notes packet

I'll walk you through each step so it’s repeatable. I'm here to make sure you understand and aren't just going through the motions for one-off success.

Together we'll:

  • Dive into your offers
  • Plan your calendar
  • Decide on some messaging options
  • Determine what asset type is needed where and when

By looking at your calendar for yearly and quarterly planning you can create cohesion and support in your business instead of hustling and ending up with wishes and fumbles. 


You'll know which content to create to sell, support, and nurture. All with aligned CTAs and a clear, singular focus to benefit your audience and sales. Assets laid out in the calendar with topics to support your offers. 


You'll have a clear focus and aligned goals for your launch and your whole promotional year. Repeatable.

Promotional Launch Plan


Ready to have a clear focus and aligned goals for a whole year? 

  • Map out your promotional calendar  
  • Dive into a quarterly launch plan 
  • Know what assets you need to create and when to support your offers

Let's Launch My Offers!

Craft a Curated Experience for Your Audience


Everything You Need To Create A Successful Evergreen Quiz


Spread over three parts, Live Day, Audit, and Tech Day you can create a 

Quiz on your schedule. Quick Action. Quick Results

Live Day- 6 hours 1:1 with me

We’ll take a deep dive into your audience, what you want to accomplish, and what you want to give your audience in this live and interactive day with me. 

We create your quiz outline together as I walk you through each piece of the quiz puzzle - no more wondering what goes where and when.


You’ll receive a 

  • Deep dive questionnaire 
  • Welcome Kit
    • Coffee on me
    • Printable note sheets that are digitally uploadable & searchable to take notes on your terms
    • Template bundle for results and email sequences
    • Customized email sequence flowchart 
    • Tech checklist
    • Exclusive Interact discount
  • Recording with timestamp map so you know when we said what
  • Customized Marketing Plan to get your quiz out into the world as effectively as possible including how I share it too
  • Result page design examples

Audit- submit your final draft for juicing up

  • Coaching, editing, and feedback from me on your writing of every section of the quiz. By the time we’re done, it’ll be high polished and ready to thrill your audience

Tech Day 1.5 hours with me

  • Launch your quiz with me by your side. Backend demystified as I translate all the parts, show you what goes where, and provide you with a recording for future reference
  • One of the awesome parts of a quiz is the data it gives you, but what does it all mean? I’ll show you how to use and understand your new audience data too.

VIP Quiz Intensive


Ready to write your own quiz with me as your guide? 

  • Quiz Architecture & Guidance Day  
  • Audit of your completed Quiz Draft 
  • Plus an Interact Tech Day & Exclusive Discount

Make Some Quiz Magic Happen

Interested in the immersive quiz creation process but want to create a quiz in a

supportive small group experience

Pop your email below, and I'll send you information on the next live session of Quizzes that Convert™.

(20 people per session max)

we'll use your email to provide you program info only ā€” this does not sign you up for weekly emails

Ready for a VIP Experience?


Pick the VIP option that's right for you above. You'll complete a few questions and see calendar options to book a call with me.  

We'll talk about your specific needs and goals and if it's a good fit, we'll schedule your VIP Experience!